Skypoint Federal Credit Union

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woman planning

How to Escape From a Money Rut

Sometimes, climbing out of a money rut starts with a pep talk — to yourself. “I like affirmations and speaking out loud,” says Giovanna Gonzalez, a financial educator and

How to Fill In Your Financial Blind Spots

Knowing enough about money to cover your bills is a start, but it’s not enough financial literacy to provide long-term security. Most of us eventually wonder what else we should be doing — and whether what we don’t know could hurt us.

How to Craft Smarter Money Goals in 2021

Setting money goals in 2020 was likely an exercise in futility. Maybe you’d been saving for a trip abroad, but the pandemic kept you at home. Or you wanted to save up for a down payment on a house, then the recession left you out of a job.

How to Buy a Car With Your Partner

With a vehicle, you and your partner can live out car commercial fantasies as you zig and zag on scenic switchbacks. But, just as every car ad ends with the financing information, you’re not going to live out that fantasy until you talk money, too.

How to Budget When You Hate to Budget

Budgeting is a pain. But what’s more painful is a bill you can’t easily pay, debt that costs a fortune or not having enough money to retire.

Your Credit Report May Be Wrong — Here’s What to Do About It

Consumers filed complaints with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in record numbers in 2020, according to a report released Monday by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group.